Souq store another Ecommerce template . Get this theme

How to Setup SouqStore Blogger template

Theme DemoBasic Setup
  1. Template Installation
  2. Change Template color
  3. Header Logo
  4. Change currency from USD
  5. Navigation Menu
  6. Social Links
  7. Featured Posts
  8. Related Posts
  9. Author Widget
  10. Meta Tags

How to Install Blogger Template

If you've downloaded the template file. First step you'll be doing is..
  1. Unzip the zip file (extract it with Winzip or Winrar)
  2. You will get four files along with the theme logo
  3. Search for XML file, for example: ProVision Template
  4. Write click on that xml file and open it in Notepad. Copy the entire code.
  5. Go to Blogger Dashboard > Choose your Blog
  6. From left tab > Theme > My Theme > Edit HTML
  7. Select entire code (CTRL + A) and replace it with the notepad code
  8. Click 'Save Theme' and you're done!

How to Change Template Color

To change or choose a custom color for your template. All you have to do is..
  1. Go to Dashboard
  2. From left tab > Theme > Customize > Advanced > Theme Color
  3. Choose your desired Color or add a custom color code.
  4. And Click 'Save'.

How To Add Template's Header Logo

To Add Header Logo for your template. Follow above steps..
  1. Go to Dashboard
  2. From left tab > Layout
  3. Edit Header widget
  4. Choose file > Add logo image
  5. Placement > instead of title and description
  6. Click Save and refresh your page.

Number of currencies that can be used

To change currency you will have to add different currency code. For that you'll be doing is..
  1. Go to Dashboard
  2. From left tab > Layout
  3. Edit Payment Options widget
  4. Scroll down & edit currencyOption
  5. Change 'Site URL' from USD to desired currency code
  6. Click Save and done!
  7. Currency list & their codes

How To place Ads below post title

To place your Ad code you'll have to parse it, through some 'Ad Parser' tool.
  • Go to Edit HTML and Search for below Code: 
<!-- Show Ads Below Post Title -->
  • And Paste your parsed Ad Code below above line
  • Click save & refresh.

How to Enable Author widget

To enable Author Box widget, you'll have to fill in some of your details on blogger profile.
  1. Go to Blogger Profile.
  2. Make your profile public by clicking share my profile.
  3. Add a Display name.
  4. Additional Information > Introduction and add your 'Description' with HTML links.
Html link example
<a href=''>facebook</a>
<a href=''>twitter</a>
<a href=''>instagram</a>

How To Customize meta tags for better SEO

  • To edit your 'Meta Tags' Search for below Code.
<!-- Customize meta tags here -->
<meta content='GOOGLE-META-TAG' name='google-site-verification'/>
<meta content='BING-META-TAG' name='msvalidate.01'/>
<meta content='ALEXA-META-TAG' name='alexaVerifyID'/>

<meta content='YOUR-KEYWORD-HERE' name='keywords'/>
<link href='YOUR-BLOGGER-PROFILE-URL' rel='publisher'/>
<link href='YOUR-BLOGGER-PROFILE-URL' rel='author'/>
<meta content='@YOUR-TWITTER' name='twitter:site'/>
<meta content='YOUR-FACEBOOK-URL' property='article:author'/>

More Questions?

Frequently Asked Questions - General Blogger Settings.

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