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How to Setup AzonStore Blogger template

Table of Contents

Install Template

If you've downloaded the template file. First step you'll be doing is..
  1. Unzip the zip file (extract it with Winzip or Winrar)
  2. You will get four files along with the theme logo
  3. Search for XML file, for example: AzonStore Template
  4. Right click on that xml file and open it with Notepad. Copy entire code.
  5. Go to Blogger Dashboard > Choose your Blog
  6. From left tab > Theme > My Theme > Dropdrop > Edit HTML
  7. Select entire code (CTRL + A) and replace it with the one you copied from notepad
  8. Click 'Save Theme' and you're done!

Upload Data.xml file

If you've downloaded the template file. Search for 'Upload Data.XML' file.
  1. Go to Dashboard
  2. From left tab > Settings > Manage Blog > Import content
  3. Click Import and choose 'Upload Data.XML' file.
  4. Once uploaded, Refresh your blog URL

Change Template Color

To change or choose a custom color for your template. All you have to do is..
  1. Go to Dashboard
  2. From left tab > Theme > My Theme > Dropdown
  3. Search for color code: '#0063d1'
  4. And replace '#0063d1' with your desired Color code.
  5. And Click 'Save'.

Customize Primary Menu

To customize Primary navigation menu. Search for below Code.
  1. <!-- Primary Menu -->
  2. <a href='#'>Electronics</a>
  3. <a href='#'>Decor & Furniture</a>
  4. Replace "#" with your category URL.
  5. Click Save and refresh your page.

Customize Secondary Menu

To customize Secondary navigation menu. Search for below Code.
  1. <!-- Secondary Menu -->
  2. <a href='#' itemprop='url'>Blog</a>
  3. <a href='#' itemprop='url'>Contact Us</a>
  4. Replace "#" with your category URL.
  5. Click Save and refresh your page.

Add Homepage Slider Images

Adding images to homepage slider. Search for below Code.
  1. <!-- Homepage Slider -->
  2. <a href='#'><img src='SLIDER-WIDE-IMAGE-URL'/></a>
  3. <a href='#'><img alt='banner ad' class='dimmer' src='SLIDER-SHORT-IMAGE-URL'/></a>
  4. Replace "#" with item page url.
  5. Click Save.

Edit Whatsapp Chat Name

To change whatsapp chat name. Search for below Code.
  1. <!-- Change Whatsapp Chat Name -->
  2. Replace "John Doe" with your Name.
  3. Click Save.
To enable related or similar products. Follow instructions below..
  1. Create atleast 8 posts on your blog
  2. Add 'Labels' by heading to Post settings
  3. Post having similar Labels will appear as related products.
To edit homepage 3 tabs category name and Heading. Search for below code.
  1. <!-- Featured product heading and category -->
  2. Replace 'Fashion & Clothing' with your Heading
  3. Replace 'Jacket', 'Cardigan' and 'Jumper' with yours.
  4. Click Save.

Supported List of Currencies

AzonStore template supports all the currencies.
  1. Ask us to add your currency before purchasing premium theme.
  2. We will set your desired currency for you!

Social Profile

  1. Go to Dashboard
  2. From left tab > Layout > click Edit icon on Follow Us widget.
  3. Scroll down to Link list click 'Edit'.
  4. On Site name field type 'Facebook' or 'Twitter'
  5. On Site URL paste 'social profile link'.
  6. And click save!

Customize Meta Tags

To edit Blog 'Meta Tag' Search for below Code.
  1. <!-- Customize Meta Tags -->
  2. <meta content='GOOGLE-META-TAG-HERE' name='google-site-verification'/>
  3. <meta content='BING-META-TAG-HERE' name='msvalidate.01'/>

More Questions?

Frequently Asked Questions - General Blogger Settings.
Note: Premium Version buyers will get advance and lifetime support guaranteed.